2024 Contest Registration


    Date of Birth

    • 95 $
    • 95 $
    • 95 $
    • 95 $
    • 95 $
    • 95 $
    • 95 $
    • 35 $
    • 50 $
    • 135 $

    (If necessary, please refer back to Competition Guidelines)

    Please select a division before filling in repertoire information

    Requirements:  The concert in New York (Voice) will require 50 minutes of the music of Liszt. Only 20 minutes is required for the November competition. Concertos cannot be used.

    List below, in concert order, all repertoire proposed for the New York concert along with the duration for each piece. Place an asterisk (*) before those pieces which will be presented at the November competition.

    Requirements:  The concert in Budapest (Piano) will require 50 minutes of the music of Liszt. Only 30 minutes is required for the November competition. Concertos cannot be used.

    List below, in concert order, all repertoire proposed for the Budapest concert along with the duration for each piece. Place an asterisk (*) before those pieces which will be presented at the November competition.

    Donors of $25 and over are acknowledged in the Competition Program.

    Donor Categories:
    – Commander Liszt
    – Abbè Liszt
    – Franzi
    – Le Petit Litz

    for Abbè Liszt and Commander Liszt please send check to avoid online
    processing fees. For more information, see Support.

    • $

    (Each registration receives two concert tickets)

    • 10 $
    • 5 $

SKU: registration-2024 Category: