Support Us


  • The mission of the Los Angeles International Liszt Competition is to promote and provide opportunities for young pianists and singers to perform the historic compositions of Franz Liszt. Donations support prize winners’ cash awards, certificates, plaques, and jury expenses to sustain the Competition’s dedication to nurturing talent. We are grateful for your support!

    Donations may be made online or by check. To avoid online processing fees, please send donations by check, especially Abbè Liszt and Commander Liszt (donations greater than $500), to the following address. Make checks payable to “Los Angeles International Liszt Competition.”

    Los Angeles International Liszt Competition
    c/o Kathy Hickey
    38600 Pine Drive
    Cherry Valley, CA 92223"

    Donors of $25 and over are acknowledged in the Competition Program.

    Donor Categories:
    – Commander Liszt
    – Abbè Liszt
    – Franzi
    – Le Petit Litz

    • $
SKU: donation Category: